
Andreas Müller

© GF 
CEO Corner

Embracing GF‘s pioneering spirit

When is the last time you felt like a true pioneer? For example, by taking a new direction, or seeking out a new challenge? You don‘t have to be an extreme athlete in the Antarctic to push the boundaries of what is possible. The small but significant changes, new and courageous ideas that each individual brings to the table, are enough for that. Maybe a new way of looking at a problem. Or a solution no one came up with before.

When I landed in Sydney in 1999 as a young GF leader (with my wife and one-year-old son), I was faced with many new challenges - personal, professional, social ones. I had a new “everything” and had to learn a lot – an experience that taught me the value of embarking on an adventure and charting new territory with courage and optimism. The GF goal to become better every day is the essence of the pioneering spirit that has permeated this company since its foundation. Our journey is a fusion of tradition, expertise and innovation. Year after year, across all divisions, we provide our customers with what they need to be successful. Our employees, past and present, set new benchmarks, take targeted risks and shape our industry (see page 16).When I landed in Sydney in 1999 as a young GF leader (with my wife and one-year-old son), I was faced with many new challenges - personal, professional, social ones. I had a new “everything” and had to learn a lot – an experience that taught me the value of embarking on an adventure and charting new territory with courage and optimism. The GF goal to become better every day is the essence of the pioneering spirit that has permeated this company since its foundation. Our journey is a fusion of tradition, expertise and innovation. Year after year, across all divisions, we provide our customers with what they need to be successful. Our employees, past and present, set new benchmarks, take targeted risks and shape our industry (see page 16).

Let‘s celebrate our culture of empowerment and continue to create an environment where the pioneering spirit that we have had at GF over decades continues to drive us forward.

Read the other Spotlight articles here:

Spotlight | Cover Story

graphic © Klawe Rzeczy

Breaking new ground

Pioneering spirit has inspired GF since 1802. The Spotlight story tells some of the stories of how our employees and their innovative teams are leading GF into the future today and what pioneering feats the company has performed in the past.

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Spotlight | Insider’s View

graphic © Anja Blacha

“Take a leap of faith”

When you think of a pioneer, it doesn’t get much better than someone who set out alone to ski to the South Pole. Anja Blacha, a 32-year-old expeditioner, philosopher and speaker, talks in an interview about what it means to test limits.

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Spotlight | Your View

graphic © private

Why is pioneering new ways important for you?

Letting go of the old and opening up to the new seems like a risk – until we dare to take the step and experience the possibilities that appear before us. Four GF employees talk about how the pioneering spirit enriches their lives.

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Spotlight | Infographic

graphic © Klawe Rzeczy

A tradition of daring

GF founder Johann Conrad Fischer was the company’s first pioneer. His curiosity lives on in people who continue to develop clever ideas. Our infographic introduces a few of them.

Discover now

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