
The shared GF site is strategically located in Apodaca, near the major Mexican business hub of Monterrey (pictured).

© Getty Images/ Sergio Mendoza Hochmann
On Site

Combining GF know-how in Mexico

Two divisions under one roof. A completely new venture for GF Piping Systems and GF Machining Solutions was launched in Mexico in May 2023: a joint location in a promising market that unlocks opportunities and reduces costs.

Mexico’s robust economic growth is catching experts by surprise. The leading Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung even described the country as a “new star in the global economic landscape.” Experts identify the automotive industry as having the most significant potential, with several manufacturers planning to invest billions in Mexico’s e-mobility sector. For this reason, it’s not surprising that GF has established a joint site in the northern town of Apodaca, merging two divisions in one location and enabling GF Machining Solutions to make its debut in the country. While GF Piping Systems and GF Machining Solutions serve different customer bases, sharing storage space and a distribution center in the new facility offers various advantages.



Population: 656’000 (approx.)
Climate: subtropical with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters
Economy: Mainly electronics, automotive and household goods industries         Infrastructure: Major transport hub with two international airports

With GF Piping Systems planting roots in the region as early as 2006, GF Machining Solutions was able to leverage their experience and workforce. According to Julio Valls, Managing Director of GF Piping Systems, engaging in joint activities such as participation in chambers of commerce and industrial clusters strategically enhances GF’s reputation in the region. The approach positions GF as highly diversified, which “reassures customers that they are dealing with a reputable company that has a strong global presence,” Julio says. “Cost efficiency and shared services are the main reasons for having both divisions under the same roof. Another advantage is that we can support each other as needed, providing additional resources to deal with daily activities and obligations,” says Mauricio Martin, Managing Director of GF Machining Solutions Mexico.

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Both customers and GF colleagues can benefit from the new showroom and educational facility.
© GF
The joint sites of GF Piping Systems and GF Machining Solutions celebrated a grand opening.

Cutting-edge customer training center

The new facility is located within an industrial cluster alongside other companies, just a 7-minute drive from Monterrey International Airport. Both divisions now benefit from proximity to their customers, but there is more. The showroom is equipped with 3- and 5-axis milling machines and various EDM machines, with some of the products of GF Piping Systems installed in some of the common applications for the customer to see. There is also a training facility for working on piping systems, where GF experts can train both customers and their own employees. More than 200 guests from across Latin America and the United States attended the inauguration in 2023. During a tour of the building, customers, employees and government representatives were able to take a closer look at the premises and the state-of-the-art Warehouse Manager System, which has already reduced costs while optimizing efficiency.

graphic © GF

Julio Valls

Position: Managing Director & Head of Region Latam
Division: GF Piping Systems
Location: Apodaca (Mexico)
Joined GF in: 2022

To address the water shortage affecting the state of Nuevo León, the site features a water collection basin that helps secure the water supply for several weeks. Energy consumption is closely monitored to raise employee awareness about the need for energy conservation and to avoid costly consumption peaks. For example, only one CNC Milling or EDM machine should be running at any given time. In addition, special skylights in the roof contribute to saving more than 50% of the electricity used for lighting in the warehouse.

Smooth working with lots of support

The collaboration is running smoothly, as if GF  Machining Solutions and GF Piping Systems had never worked separately. In weekly meetings, staff from both divisions monitor costs and discuss future joint projects – from customer acquisition to enhancing the building’s sustainability features. Mauricio delivers a positive assessment following the first year of collaboration: “Throughout the time that we have worked in the same building, we have obtained mutual benefits, including time and cost reductions and, most importantly, collaborations to get leads for both companies.”

graphic © GF

Mauricio Martin

Position: Managing Director
Division: GF Machining Solutions
Location: Apodaca (Mexico)
Joined GF in: 2023 

In the future, the two divisions want to celebrate milestones together at the site, with typical events such as Taco Friday or barbecue evenings. The managing directors have set themselves the common goal of focusing more closely on cross-divisional activities among the staff. Nonetheless, the two divisions are making great progress in establishing a broad customer base in Mexico. “We are in the right place at the right time. Our relationship with the United States allows Mexico to take advantage of strategies like nearshoring, where industry is relocating production to Mexico to serve the US market. And GF is taking advantage of that situation too,” says Julio.

Further Impressions: 

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