After Work

From work to wheels

It started as a fun idea but has become an institution. Once a week, Daniel Reichelt and his colleagues mount their racing bikes and ride through the woods and hills along the Rhine, weather permitting.

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Daniel Reichelt

Position: Team Leader Lean Management                                    Division: GF Piping Systems              Location: Schaffhausen (Switzerland) Joined GF in: 2021

In 2023, a colleague and I started a group on MS Teams to meet for regular road bike rides after work. Today we are about 30 colleagues – from young to old, women, men, interns, managers, piping, casting, corporate, production, office. We take it easy. It’s not important for us to cover as much distance as possible or to ride as fast as we can. The focus is on relaxation and fellowship. I especially enjoy the tours that end with us sitting on the banks of the Rhine with a cool drink or coffee and a piece of cake, chatting. When the weather is nice, we meet on a fixed evening every week.

And how about you?

What do you do after work? Send your photo (good resolution: approx. 2 MB) together with a short description of it to: globe@georgfischer.com


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